Introducing of GoogleMobileAds Mediation Ad

Main functions

  • Use GoogleMobileAds to display ads.
  • Display ads for Geniee via GoogleMobileAds.

System operating environment

  • Android
    • Android SDK 4.1 or later
  • iOS
    • iOS 9.0 or later
    • 64bit for iOS

Development environment

  • Unity 2019.2.12f1
  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • SDK build target 28

Plugin Installation Procedure

This section describes how to install Google Mobile Ads Ads SDK Unity Plugin and Geniee Ads SDK Unity Plugin to Unity.

  1. Import the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin into your Unity project
  2. Import the GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Google plugin to Unity project
  3. Set the GoogleMobileAds app ID

1. Import the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin into your Unity project

  1. Download the GoogleMobileAds-v5.4.0.unitypackage from
  2. Open the Unity project that incorporates the plugin.
  3. Select Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package from the menu bar.
  4. Select the downloaded GoogleMobileAds-v5.4.0.unitypackage file.
  5. Make sure all files' checkboxes are checked and click Import.

2. Import the GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Google plugin to Unity project

  1. Download the GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Google-2.0.0.unitypackage from

  2. Open the Unity project that incorporates the plugin.

  3. Select Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package from the menu bar.

  4. Select the downloaded GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Google-2.0.0.unitypackage file.

  5. Make sure the check boxes of the following files are selected, and click Import.

    • PlayServicesResolver
      • Editor
        • GNDependencies.xml
    • Plugins
      • Android
        • AndroidManifest.xml
        • mainTemplate.gradle

3. Set the GoogleMobileAds app ID

Please set the app Id from Assets / GoogleMobileAds / Settings...

  • Check AdMob if you are using AdMob.
  • Check AdManager if you are using AdManager.

Please refer to the following site for detailed implementation procedures.

Last Updated: 7/21/2020, 6:51:48 PM