GenieeSDK Android


About full-screen interstitial mediation

2020/9/6 Android 11 (API 30) is not supported when using full screen interstitial with GNAdSDK version 8.0.0 or lower. Android 11 device We recommend setting targetSdkVersion to API 29 to load ads into your device.

About Nend Full Screen Interstitial and Rewards

Since the minSdkVersion is set to Android 4.1 (16) in the GNAd SDK, the latest sdk of nend cannot be applied. Since it supports nend-sdk: 5.4.2, if you want to include nend, please build compileSdkVersion with 29.

Getting Started

Ads SDK Integration

Third party SDK ad delivery

Optimization for Ad delivery

Introduction Support

Google Play's Data Disclosure

Last Updated: 2/25/2022, 2:41:06 PM