Setting ATS for iOS9

If you are using a later version V.2.1.6 of the Ads SDK, disabling the ATS is not required.

This guide explains the configuration procedure of iOS9 with the new app "App Transport Security (ATS)".

Function of ATS is to secure connection on App and Web.

If you enabled ATS permit, you will not be able to communicate on http connection. It might affect or result problem on the Ad delivery. If you disabled "ATS", you will also be able to deliver Ads but only limited to the application developed by Xcode7.

Setting Manual for ATS

  1. Add top position following Key in App's Info.plist File.
    NSAppTransportSecurity (Dictionary)

  2. Add under "NSAppTransportSecurity" following Key and change "yes". NSAllowsArbitraryLoads (Boolean)


Last Updated: 3/15/2019, 7:02:36 AM