Unity Banner Sample Description

I will explain how to check the operation using samples.

1. Open the scene

  1. Double click Assets -> Sample -> Scenes -> MainScene and open the scene.
  2. Double-click Canvas under MainScene to edit Scene.


2. Selection of Platform

Select File -> Build Settings in the menu bar and open Build Settings.

Select Platform choice Android oriOS and press Switch Platform.

3. Change screen size

Game view screen size from Free Aspect

For iPhone

Please change to the vertical size such as iPhone 5 Tall (9: 16).

Android case

Please change to vertical size such as 16:10 Portrait (10: 16).

4. Package Build

Please refer to the following.

5. Operation check

When confirming the operation, please check in the following environment. (* Operation check can not be performed on Unity's Game view.)

  • Android · · · actual machine or emulator
  • iOS · · · actual machine or simulator

Description of sample screen


  • MainScene ... Sample main screen


Name Uses
Unit ID Enter Unit ID
Size Select the size of the banner to display
Position Select the position to display the banner
Load Load Rewards Videos

Operation example

  1. Enter UnitID
  2. Load the movie by pressing the Load button
  3. Make sure that the ad is displayed.
Last Updated: 7/21/2020, 4:39:55 PM