Unity Banner Sample Description

I will explain how to check the operation using samples.

1. Open the scene

  1. Double click Assets -> Sample -> Scenes -> Scene 1 and open the scene.
  2. Double-click Canvas under MainScene to edit Scene.


2. Selection of Platform

Select File -> Build Settings in the menu bar and open Build Settings.

Select Platform choice Android oriOS and press Switch Platform.

3. Set the Plugin parameter

  1. Select GNAdManager in Scene1.
  2. Set the following parameters below the Inspector pane on the right side of the screen.
    • Set the ZONE ID issued from SSP to the item of ZoneID.
    • Set the banner display position in the Position item.
    • Set the size of the delivery banner to the item of Ad Size.
    • To output Debug log information, set Info in the Log Priority item.


4. Package Build

Build the package with reference to [Package build procedure] (Banner-Integration-For-Unity).

5. Display confirmation

For Android

You can check the display by selecting File -> Build & Run in the menu bar.

  1. Make sure that the banner set by setting the Plugin parameter ** is displayed.

For iOS

  1. You can check the display by selecting Product> Run from the menu bar from the xcode you built with Package Build **.
  2. Make sure that the banner set by setting the Plugin parameter ** is displayed.
Last Updated: 7/21/2020, 4:39:55 PM