Frequently Asked Questions (Q&A)

Q: Is there any type of SDK that does not use "ARC".

A: By enabling the ARC to a non-ARC project, you can correctly link SDK of the ARC.
ARC Enable configuration steps
     ARC enabled setting will not give the short impact on the library of other non-ARC.

Q: what kind of ID of the ZONE_ID set on SDK ?

A: It is management ID issued by AdsDeliveryZone from Geniee.

Q: What is the meaning of the type of set to SDK adSizeType argument?

A: If you want to know about kind of argument, please see the document setting of ad size type.

Q: There is a Undefined _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ ASIdentifierManager build errors.

A: Please add AdSupport.framework framework to Xcode project.

Q: Does SDK support Swift language?

A: Yes, by using the Objective-C bridging header, SDK can support Swift language.

Q: The ad does not display on the screen.

A: Please check ;

  • Have you set delivery for ZONE_ID to SDK?
  • Is it registered AdSource to ZONE_ID zone?
  • Is Delivery status of AdSource registered "Delivery Now"?
  • You set debug log output, and then do you check error in output logs?

If you can not resolve problems above,
please contact our media sales representative. (

Q: In the sample application build, the following error occurs and I can not check the operation.

Error example:

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:-1: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Users/xxx/ssp-ios-sdk/sample/use_cocoapods/objectivec/GNAdRewardVideoSample/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-GNAdRewardVideoSample/Pods-GNAdRewardVideoSample-resources-Debug-input-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'GNAdRewardVideoSample')
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:-1: Unable to load contents of file list: '/Users/xxx/ssp-ios-sdk/sample/use_cocoapods/objectivec/GNAdRewardVideoSample/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-GNAdRewardVideoSample/Pods-GNAdRewardVideoSample-resources-Debug-output-files.xcfilelist' (in target 'GNAdRewardVideoSample')

A: Execute the following command and delete pods information once.

Install cocoapods-deintegrate with the following command.
$ sudo gem install cocoapods-deintegrate
Execute the following command under the project folder.
$ pod deintegrate
Last Updated: 7/12/2019, 4:31:04 PM