Unity Banner

  • Display of ad
  • by the advertisement of touch, display of the advertiser site (start-up of the browser application)
  • Automatic update of display advertising

operating requirements

  • Android
    • Android SDK 4.1 or later
  • iOS
    • iOS 9.0 or later
    • 64bit for iOS

Development environment

  • Unity 2019.2.12f1
  • JDK 1.8 or later
  • SDK build target 28

Plugin Installation Procedure

Geniee Video Rewards to Unity GoogleMobileAds Advertisement SDK Describes the Unity Plugin installation procedure.

  1. Import Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin into Unity project
  2. Import GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Banner-4.0.0 to Unity project
  3. Implementation of banner using GoogleMobileAdsSDK for Unity
  4. Test device ID setting method
  5. About Android package name

1. Import the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin into the Unity project

  1. Download the Mobile Ads Unity plugin from [https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/start] (http://developers.google.com/admob/unity/start).
  2. Open the Unity project that incorporates the plugin.
  3. Select Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package from the menu bar.
  4. Select the downloaded 'GoogleMobileAds-v5.4.0.unitypackage` file.
  5. Make sure all files' checkboxes are checked and click Import.

2. Import GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Banner-4.0.0 to Unity project

  1. Open the Unity project that incorporates the plugin.

  2. Select Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package from the menu bar.

  3. Select the GNSAdSDK-UnityPlugin-Banner-4.0.0.unitypackage file in the Dist folder on the reward_dfp side.

  4. Make sure that the check box of the following file is checked and click on Import.

    • PlayServicesResolver
      • Editor
        • GNDependencies.xml
    • Plugins
      • Android
        • AndroidManifest.xml
        • mainTemplate.gradle

3. Implementing a banner using GoogleMobileAdsSDK for Unity

If you have the correct entry in GNDependencies.xml, you can display GenieeSDK banner just by implementing it using GoogleMobileAds SDK for Unity. For the installation procedure of banner using GoogleMobileAds SDK for Unity please refer to the following site. https://developers.google.com/admob/unity/banner

4. How to set test device ID

  • You can enable test ads during development.
  • If you click many advertisements without putting it in the test mode, there is a danger that the account will be invalid.
  • Please be sure to delete this setting at the time of actual release.
  1. To set up such a message first check the console or logcat output.

    OS Output
    iOS request.testDevices = @[ "YOUR_TEST_DEVICE_ID" ];
    Android I/Ads: Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("YOUR_TEST_DEVICE_ID")
  2. Add the AddTestDevice method to the Request.

AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder()
rewardBasedVideo.LoadAd(request, defaultUnitId);

5. About Android package name

Please correct package name in Assets / Plugins / Android / AndroidManifest.xml as appropriate.

Last Updated: 7/21/2020, 4:39:55 PM