Zucks introduction

Describe the implementation procedure to mediate Zucks with FullscreenInterstitial advertisement. For implementation of the startup guide and fullscreen interstitial advertisement, refer to the following implementation procedure.

Implementation of fullscreen interstitial advertisement

Cocoapods integration(recommended)

  • Currently Geniee Mediation SDK is working well with Zucks SDK version 4.7.8

Add the following line to Podfile

pod 'ZucksAdNetworkSDK', '~> 4.7.8'

Manual integration

If you install with Cocoapods, introduction by this procedure is unnecessary.

  • Extract FullscreenInterstitialAd-Adnw-SDKS.zip
  • Drag and drop the ZucksAdNetworkSDK.framework to the project and add it.
  • Add the path of ZucksAdNetworkSDK.framework folder to Target > Build Settings > Framework Search Paths

Zucks Adapter

  • Drag and drop the Zucks SDK Adapter to the project and add it.
Last Updated: 4/10/2019, 1:16:39 PM