iOS Custom mediation of GoogleMobileAds

Banner ads is an advertisement expressed by image or animation.
By using this function, Geniee's Banner ad can be delivered by the mediation function of GoogleMobileAds.

Preparation for implementation

Add GoogleMobileAds

Add the following to Podfile.

pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'
Points to note when introducing GoogleMobileAds If you are introducing GoogleMobileAds, the application will crash if you do not include the admob or Google Ad Manager app ID information in Info.plist.
  • App ID information

Add GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter

Introduce with Cocoapods(Recommend)

Add the following to Podfile.

pod 'Geniee-Google-Mediation-Adapter'

Introduction with manual

About manual installation procedure

Download GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter


Copy GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter.xcframework to the project by drag-and-drop.

Select the project from the navigator area, then select "TARGET" => "General".

Add "GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter.xcframework" to "Linked Framework and Libraries".

For GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter 5.1.5 or lower, perform the following steps.

Add "GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter.framework" to "Embedded Binaries".

Common introduction contents

For GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter 5.1.6 and later versions, the following steps are unnecessary.

For GNAdGoogleMediationAdapter 5.1.5 or lower, perform the following steps.
  • Select "Pods/***.xcconfig" from the navigator area.
    Delete -framework "GoogleMobileAds" from "OTHER_LDFLAGS".
  • Select a project from the navigator area, then select "TARGETS" -> "Build Settings".
    Delete "GoogleMobileAds" from "Other Linker Flags".

Add Geniee SDK

For installation of Geniee SDK, see the start guide. ※ When using this function, please use Geniee SDK of Version 3.1.1 or higher.

Start guide

Implementation of banner ad

By using the UnitID that set mediation on GoogleAdManager/AdMob management screen, you can display the mediated banner ads.
For details on how to implement the banner, please refer to the following site.

  1. AdManager (DFP)

How to implement banner of GoogleAdManager

  1. AdMob

How to implement banner of AdMob

Last Updated: 3/18/2021, 4:14:05 PM